Can a Raccoon Cause Significant Damage in Your Attic?

Raccoons sure are cute little critters. Their bushy-tail, mask around their eyes, and cute little walk makes them one of the cuddly is looking critters around. This is why they have been popularized in many cartoons, as they are cute for sure.

However, they are also very mischievous little buggers. Raccoons love to get into things, and can be a real nuisance. This may make you wonder is if a raccoon can cause significant damage should it get into your house, such as in your attic?

Can a Raccoon Get into My House?

Let's start with the obvious question. There are many who believe that unless you leave your front door open, a raccoon is not getting get into their home. That is not reality at all.

These animals are relentless. Should they find a cracked board, open window, or rotting part in the siding, they can easily turn that into an entryway into your home. These kinds of problems frequently occur in the siding area near the upper part of your house. These are places that most people don't pay a lot of attention to, so if there is damage it can fester for quite some time.

Because this is close to the attic area, it is easy for a raccoon to find its way into your attic or other upper portion of your home. All it takes is a loose board around your chimney or for your ventilation grate to have a few broken slats and the raccoon is in.

What Can a Raccoon Do?

Once the raccoon is in your home, his first order of business is to create his own bed. One of the first places it is likely to start is with your insulation. After all, this provides a nice cushion that would be perfect for raccoon delay in.

If you have been storing items inside your attic, you can be sure they are fair game. Your old clothing, bedding, newspaper articles, or furniture will get a thorough browsing as the raccoon goes through box after box to find whatever it desires to make it stay in your home a lot more comfortable.

This animal will tear up virtually anything. They have sharp teeth that need to be maintained, and this is frequently done through chewing or gnawing. In addition, they have sharp claws, which enables them to rip open boxes to see what's inside.

The problem doesn't end with what they can destroy. Raccoons will leave their waste in your attic. This can lead to mold and mildew. It can also lead to a huge health risk for you and your family, as these animals are the carriers of a number of parasites and illnesses. These illnesses can become airborne through the waste of the animals, which puts your family at risk.

Cleaning up after a raccoon has caused damage to your home is not easy. This is why it is important to do a thorough inspection of the exterior of your home at least twice a year to ensure that no animals can get inside.

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