How Can I Tell If Raccoons Are in My Attic?

You have been hearing weird noises coming from above your ceiling in your bedroom. They just sound odd, especially in the evening time. You don't really know what they can be, so you start wondering if you might have a wild animal that might've gotten into your attic. You know there were animals like raccoons that frequently come around your property. Soon, you start to wonder if maybe a raccoon has gotten into your attic, but how can you tell?

Start with the Noises

There are some sounds that clearly point to an animal potentially being inside your attic. Especially one like a raccoon. This starts with the time of day when you hear the noises. Raccoons are nocturnal critters. This means that they do their foraging when it is dark, primarily because they have terrible eyesight. They would be a sitting duck for predators if they were out in the daytime.

If you are hearing scratching sounds, what sounds like running or even what may sound like to animals wrestling, you very likely have a raccoon in your attic. You may also hear little squawking or screeching sounds like raccoons make. Because it is nighttime it is quiet around your house, making the sounds more distinguishable. They should be clear to you.

Look at the Outside

Before you look inside your attic area, take a look around the outside of your home. Look at the siding and see if you can find areas where there are gaps, cracks, loose boards, or other types of entryways that the raccoon can use to get inside your house. What you may find is that there is such an entryway, right near where your attic area is. If you see this, the indicators are starting to point that way.

Look Inside the Attic

Now it is time to take a look inside your attic. If you store old clothing, blankets, or newspapers in the attic, look around to see if these are torn up. The raccoon would likely use them to make itself a bad, so this is one of the telltale signs. Also, look for spots where your insulation may be torn up. Those can make for a good bed as well.

Raccoons generally relieve themselves in one location. You may see a buildup of feces or urine in a corner of your attic. You also should be able to locate a very discernible nest. A spot where that clothing and insulation has been built up to make for a nice bed.

If you see these kinds of things, then you know you have a raccoon problem. Now it is time for you to either hire a professional or look into doing the job of removing the animal yourself. Make sure you are careful though. Raccoons are the carriers of a number of diseases and the last thing you want to have happen is that you contract one of these illnesses trying to get this animal out of your house.

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