Elgin, IL Raccoon Control Services

Call us: 847-973-5332

Welcome to Elgin Pest Control Raccoon! We are a wildlife control company specializing in permanent raccoon removal and exclusion in Elgin, Illinois. Raccoons commonly break into attics, tear up sod, steal pet food, poop in your pool, kill birds and fish, get in your garbage cans, and more. No matter what your raccoon problem is, we will always solve it! We offer PERMANENT raccoon solutions. We are experts in our field, and know all about the wildlife of County, Illinois, especially raccoons. Call us at 847-973-5332 and we can schedule an appointment the same day or the next. Also check out our Elgin animal removal prices. You'll soon see why we are considered Elgin's best animal removal company! Some of the services we offer include:

  • 100% Permanent Raccoon Solutions
  • Full Property Inspections
  • Prevention and Damage Repairs
  • Humane Raccoon Trapping & Relocation
  • Raccoons in the Attic - Removal
  • Poison-Free Raccoon Control
  • Roof and Attic Exclusion Traps
  • Raccoon Feces Cleanup, Odor Control

Some Educational Raccoon Articles I Wrote:

CALL US 24/7/365 AT 847-973-5332

Elgin raccoon control

We are professional experts in raccoon control, and are not your average Elgin pest control company. We never use poison, since it simply doesn't work and is inhumane. Instead, we use humane raccoon trapping methods and relocation. When you have raccoons in the attic, we make sure to remove that nest of baby raccoons by hand, and then trap the mother raccoon. People wonder if the raccoons of County, Illinois have rabies, and some do, but our staff is innoculated against rabies and use the safest removal methods. We solve your raccoon problem by taking these steps:

  • Inspect the entire property, ground to roof, and the attic
  • If raccoons are in the attic, we remove the nest of babies
  • Seal shut all entry areas, with steel repairs that raccoons can't break
  • Set several humane cage traps around your property - the right way!
  • Remove all raccoons as they are caught and monitor for activity
  • Once there is no more activity and no more caught, we're done
  • When necessary, we clean feces, replace insulation, and repair chewed materials

What Prices Do We Charge in Elgin?

Every raccoon situation is different: What type of animals? Do you need trapping, prevention, repairs, cleanup? Call us and we can give pricing for your specific situation.

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Elgin raccoon removal tip of the month: Law on trapping raccoons - Most of the time, the law is not on the side of the homeowner when it comes to trapping nuisance animals. This is particularly true of the raccoon. As a known rabies vector, raccoons are dangerous to public health and therefore require handling by someone who has been specially trained. This law, of course, doesn't stop a lot of people from taking matters into their own hands. If you do this, it's not likely you'll be arrested unless your neighbor turns you in; however, you need to know that you'll be putting yourself at risk for exposure to at least two life-threatening illnesses. This critter you're after isn't the mild-mannered armadillo. You're after a smart, fast creature of the night. If you think a raccoon won't stand its ground, just wait until you get into the attic with the mother and her kits. And most raccoons in an attic are female. They've carefully selected that location to ensure no male raccoons find the babies. Sometimes mother raccoons can't be scared into the cage trap and have to be snared. Are you prepared to handle that situation without harming yourself or the animal? Sometimes it's best to hire a professional.